Everyone Needs 2 Step Verification Enabled on All Online Accounts

2 step verification, multi-factor authentication, or 2-factor authentication are ways to describe the security model of using a step beyond your password to authenticate yourself. Because so much of our personal and work lives are online, we need to do anything we can to provide an extra level of protection to those accounts.

The Simple Password

Creating a strong password used to be enough to feel like your online accounts were safe from prying eyes. Make it at least 8 characters and add in some numbers and a special character and you are good to go. Unfortunately, crooks have devised easy ways to steal those passwords with malware and through other nefarious ways. Bad guys will steal your passwords when they are sent in plain text over public WiFi networks. They’ll steal your banking password when you’re the victim of a phishing attack using a fake web site. They can even crack your password by running a dictionary attack. This is where they throw every word in the dictionary at it until something sticks.

Protecting Yourself

To protect yourself from being a victim of any of these attacks, take your security to the next level with 2 step verification. Even if the bad guys figure out what your password is, they don’t have access to your phone where you get your 2 step verification code.

How does 2 step verification work? The web site where you have 2 step verification configured will still have a place to enter your username and password. After you enter them successfully, you will get prompted for a code. The site will determine how long the code is. Some sites it is 6, while others just use a 4 digit code. The method of delivering that code can vary too. The majority of sites deliver the code via a text message. Others will deliver the code via email. After you get the code, you enter it on the site and then get access to your account. With 2 step verification enabled, you no longer just need that much-valued password to get into your online account.

A More Secure 2 Step Verification

While the most common method of delivering that 2 step verification code is the text message, it is not the most secure. Using an authenticator app on your phone is a better way to secure your account. If the website allows it, and not all do, you should use an authentication app like Google Authenticator or Authy. My preference is Google Authenticator. Instead of being sent a text message that could get intercepted, you go to the authentication app on your phone and type in the number that is displayed. You can have multiple accounts set up in one Google Authenticator app.

Hackers will not stop trying to get access to our critical data. At the very least we need to have 2 step authentication enabled on our accounts to have a fighting chance against these criminals.


See also How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Phishing Emails

Securing Your Computer at Home and at the Office

Securing your computer is not just the responsibility of the hard-working IT department, it is your responsibility as well. These securing your computer steps can be taken at home too where you and you alone are responsible.


“Please don’t put a password on my computer!” I’m sorry but that is just crazy to not have a password on your PC. For a work PC, this means that anyone from the guy in accounting to the cleaning company that comes in at night can get in and do anything they want on your PC. Even at home, you need a password. This protects anyone else with physical access to the computer from getting to your personal information. The password will also in some circumstances protect you from viruses and malware.

Lock Your Computer

At the office, even though you have the password on your PC, it’s not going to protect you if you don’t lock your computer. If it is an unsecured location and the computer is not behind a locked door, lock it when you walk away. How do I lock my computer? Easy – on a PC press the Windows Key and the L key. On a Mac click on the apple in the top left-hand corner and choose lock screen.

System Updates

Another huge way to keep your computer secure is to stay up to date with operating system updates. The two big operating system providers, Microsoft and Apple will provide free security updates directly to your computer at no charge. Take advantage of them. They are free and keep you secure. Updates can be annoying nagging you to update but there is a reason they are updated. Those updates patch security holes and fixing other issues.


When you are on your work computer, don’t download programs from the internet. There are IT professionals around who know what should and shouldn’t be on your computer for you to do your job. If you feel you need something additional, talk to them first.

Personal Devices

For our last suggestion to keep your computer secure, don’t plug personal devices into work computers. That means, don’t use USB drives that you use for personal things as well as work. Also, using a USB drive to transfer files back and forth between your work computer and home computer is just asking for problems. The other devices where you have plugged in that device might be infected and thanks you have just brought that infection on to the company’s network.

Company Data

Company data should only be on secured devices and not on USB drives that go from work computers to home computers. If you need to work on something at home from the office, your company should be using a service like G Suite or Office 365. These services allow access to files from anywhere. Another option is to use a work laptop and a VPN.

Securing your computer is everyone’s responsibility. The steps to take to do your part are easy and the payoff is huge.

Photo by Erik Mclean